ADSS cable

Product features: Structure features: Optical fiber loose sheath non-metallic material (FRP) center support cable core oil paste filled PE inner sheath aramid evenly stranded electric mark AT sheath.

Product Detail

Structural features:
· Optical fiber is loose
· Non-metallic material (FRP) center supports
· The cable core is filled with ointment
· PE inner protective layer
· Aramid evenly stranded electric mark AT sheath
Technical features:
· Precise optical fiber residual length control ensures the optical fiber is designed at maximum load
Don't force
· Accurate control of aramid yarn tension and stranding pitch to improve cable tension resistance
· Reasonable production technology makes the outer sheath, aramid fiber and cable core closely combined, and optical cable
More compact structure
· Excellent electrical trace resistance material, optical cable in high induction potential environment more
There are safety
· Maximum number of fibers: 144
Laying mode:
Suitable for erection with 220kV and below power transmission lines
Applicable temperature:
- 40 ℃ ~ + 60 ℃
ADSS structure and application design description
ADSS cable is designed as a beam stranding structure, mainly consisting of 6 stranding and 8 stranding.
*FRP, glass reinforced fiber, as center tension element and anti-folding element.
*PBT, polybutylene terephthalate, as beam tube material, inserted fiber with appropriate residual length and filled with water blocking paste.
* Aramid yarn, as a tensile strength component, the number of aramid yarn is designed according to the strength requirements of ADSS, and the ADSS has extremely high tensile strength and stress-strain characteristics by adjusting the balance of aramid yarn winding.
* Jacket, inner jacket adopts black PE, outer jacket is divided into ordinary PE and electric mark PE, corresponding to the space potential ≤12kV and >12kV working environment.
ADSS optical cable is mainly used for increasing optical channel of existing 110kV and below voltage grade lines and constructing optical network quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to find suitable "space" to install ADSS cable on the original tower. The application design of ADSS includes two aspects:
* Gear - tension - sag design
* Calculate the spatial potential distribution of the tower to determine the position of ADSS hanging point to avoid electrical corrosion
The fault
Typical structural parameters of ADSS:
Suitable for typical specifications of C=5mm,V=30m/s weather conditions

参数 单位 F4 F6 F9 F11 F13 F16 F19 F22
档距 m 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
光缆外径 mm 11.6 12.0 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.7 14.0 14.3
光缆重量 PE外护套 kg/km 109.9 116.8 122.0 127.1 132.2 148.2 154.9 161.5
AT外护套 118.3 125.6 131.0 136.3 141.6 158.5 165.4 172.3
光缆截面积 mm2 105.68 112.70 117.90 123.07 128.19 146.74 153.66 160.54
额定抗拉强度 kN 9.00 16.20 21.60 27.00 32.40 39.60 46.80 54.00
最大允许张力 kN 3.60 6.48 8.64 10.80 12.96 15.84 18.72 21.60
年均张力 kN 2.25 4.05 5.40 6.75 8.10 9.90 11.70 13.50
权限张力 kN 5.40 9.72 12.96 16.20 19.44 23.76 28.08 32.40
杨氏模量 kN/mm2 8.44 12.52 15.27 17.79 20.11 21.71 23.75 25.97
线膨胀系数 1/℃ 9.32 5.28 3.78 2.80 2.12 1.42 1.08 0.73
参数 单位 F3 F4 F7 F11 F12 F16 F19 F22
档距 m 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
光缆外径 mm 11.6 11.7 12.1 12.5 12.8 13.1 14.0 14.4
光缆重量 PE外护套 kg/km 109.9 111.6 118.5 127.1 132.2 138.9 154.9 163.1
AT外护套 118.3 120.1 127.4 136.3 141.6 148.6 165.4 174.0
光缆截面积 mm2 105.68 107.44 114.44 123.07 128.19 134.96 153.66 162.25
额定抗拉强度 kN 9.00 10.80 18.00 27.00 32.40 39.60 46.80 55.80
最大允许张力 kN 3.60 4.32 7.20 10.80 12.96 15.84 18.72 22.32
年均张力 kN 2.25 2.70 4.50 6.75 8.10 9.90 11.70 13.95
权限张力 kN 5.40 6.48 10.80 16.20 19.44 23.76 28.08 33.48
杨氏模量 kN/mm2 8.44 9.51 13.46 17.79 20.11 22.95 23.75 26.49
线膨胀系数 1/℃ 9.32 7.93 4.69 2.80 2.12 1.48 1.08 0.66

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