OPGW optical fiber cable

Product features: It has dual functions of ground wire and communication cable, which eliminates the huge cost of repeated erection and maintenance. Installed on the top of the electric overhead line tower, without considering the best hanging point and electrical corrosion and other factors;

Product Detail

Product Model: OPGW
Should use:
OPGW optical cable is mainly used in 500KV, 220KV, 110KV voltage grade lines, affected by line power failure, safety and other factors, mostly used in new lines. The applicable characteristics of OPGW are:
☆. High voltage more than 110kV line, file distance is larger (generally more than 250M); 
☆. Easy to maintain, easy to solve the problem of line crossing, its mechanical characteristics can meet the big line crossing; 
★.OPGW outer metal armored, high voltage corrosion and degradation has no effect; 
☆.OPGW must be cut off during construction, and the loss of power failure is large, so OPGW should be used in the new high voltage lines above 110kV; 
☆.OPGW performance indicators, the greater the short-circuit current, the more need to use good conductor armor, the corresponding reduction of tensile strength, and in the case of a certain tensile strength, to improve the short-circuit current capacity, only increase the metal cross-sectional area, resulting in cable diameter and cable weight increase, so the strength of the line tower put forward a safety problem.

☆. Both ground wire and communication cable dual functions, eliminating the huge cost of repeated erection and maintenance;
☆. Installed on the top of the electric overhead line tower, without considering the best hanging point and electrical corrosion and other factors;
☆. In the process of transformation of the old line, the outer diameter of the cable and the single weight of the tension is better than another ground wire to match;
☆. Large transmission capacity, high communication quality, good reliability;
☆. Excellent mechanical and electrical properties;
☆. Good safety performance, long service life, not easy to be destructive shooting.

Typical structure and parameters of OPGW
Central stainless steel tube fiber Unit structure (part)
Structure: single layer stranded wire center stainless steel tube fiber unit structure
Maximum number of cores of the optical fiber 36 40
Fiber cell size φ3.2 mm φ3.5mm
Cable diameter φ9.6 mm φ10.5 mm
The bearing cross-sectional area is 48 mm2 58 mm2
Weight 338 kg/km 400 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength (RTS) 59 kN 71 kN
20℃ DC resistance 1.782 ω /km 1.490 ω /km
Short circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 11 kA2·s 16 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 13.0×10-6/℃ 13.0×10-6/℃
Young's modulus is 162.0 kN/mm2

Structure: center stainless steel tube fiber unit structure of double stranded wire
Maximum number of cores 30 40
Fiber cell specifications φ3.0 mm φ3.4 mm
Cable diameter φ15.0 mm φ17.0 mm
Bearing cross-sectional area 127 mm2 163 mm2
Weight 529 kg/km 673 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength (RTS) 77 kN 99 kN
20℃ DC resistance 0.329 ω /km 0.255 ω /km
Short circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 137 kA2·s 226 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 17.5×10-6/℃ 17.5×10-6/℃
Young's modulus is 97.3 kN/mm2

Typical structure and parameters of OPGW(L)
The following table lists only a few representative structures and major parameters, not the entire company's products. If you have any requirements, please contact us

Core Aluminum clad Steel tube fiber Unit structure (part)
Structure diagram: single-layer stranded wire center aluminum clad steel tube fiber unit structure
Maximum number of cores 12 30
Fiber unit size φ4.0 mm φ4.5 mm
Cable diameter φ12.0 mm φ13.5 mm
The bearing cross-sectional area is 83 mm2 104 mm2
Weight 539 kg/km 673 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength (RTS) 99 kN 125 kN
20℃ DC resistance 0.899 ω /km 0.724 ω /km
Short-circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 38.4 kA2·s 59.8 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 13.4×10-6/℃ 13.4×10-6/℃
Young's modulus 153.1 kN/mm2 153.8 kN/mm2

Structure: center aluminum clad steel tube fiber unit structure of double stranded wire
Maximum number of cores 12 30
Fiber unit size φ4.0 mm φ4.5 mm
Cable diameter φ20.0 mm φ22.5 mm
Bearing cross-sectional area 234 mm2 295 mm2
Weight 1531 kg/km 1930 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength (RTS) 292 kN 370 kN
20℃ DC resistance 0.350 ω /km 0.279 ω /km
Short circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 282 kA2·s 448 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 13.1×10-6/℃ 13.1×10-6/℃
Young's modulus 158.8kN /mm2 159.1kN /mm2

Typical structure and parameters of OPGW
The following table lists only a few representative structures and major parameters, not the entire company's products. If you have any request, please contact our local representative office or contact us directly.

Fiber Cell structure (part)
Structure diagram: double stranded layer twisted stainless steel tube fiber unit structure
Maximum number of cores 30 36
Fiber cell size φ2.7 mm φ3.0 mm
Cable diameter φ13.85 mm φ15.2 mm
Bearing cross-sectional area 107 mm2 128 mm2
Weight 450 kg/km 535 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength (RTS) 65.8 kN 78.9 kN
20℃ DC resistance 0.389 ω /km 0.327 ω /km
Short circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 97 kA2·s 138 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 17.4×10-6/℃ 17.4×10-6/℃
Young's modulus 97.6 kN/mm2 97.8 kN/mm2

Structure diagram: double stranded layer twisted stainless steel tube fiber unit structure
Opgw-2s1/30 (M107/R133-57) OPGW-2S1/36(M128/R159-81)
Maximum number of cores 30 36
Fiber cell size φ2.7 mm φ3.0 mm
Cable diameter φ13.85 mm φ15.2 mm
Bearing cross-sectional area 107 mm2 128 mm2
Weight 727 kg/km 865 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength (RTS) 133 kN 159 kN
20℃ DC resistance 0.803 ω /km 0.673 ω /km
Short-circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 57 kA2·s 81 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 13.0×10-6/℃ 13.0×10-6/℃
Young's modulus is 162.0 kN/mm2

Typical structure and parameters of OPGW
The following table lists only a few representative structures and major parameters, not the entire company's products. If you have any request, please contact our local representative office or contact us directly.

Fiber Cell structure (part)
Structure diagram: double stranded layer twisted stainless steel tube fiber unit structure
The maximum number of cores of an optical fiber is 36
Fiber unit size φ3.0 mm
Cable diameter φ21.2 mm
The bearing cross-sectional area is 255 mm2
The weight of 879 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength 116 kN
20℃ DC resistance 0.145 ω /km
Short circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 590 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 19.6×10-6/℃
Young's modulus is 81.5 kN/mm2

Structure: three layer stranded stainless steel tube fiber unit structure
The maximum number of cores in an optical fiber is 48
Fiber unit size φ 3.4mm
Cable diameter φ23.9 mm
Bearing cross-sectional area 327 mm2
The weight of 2178 kg/km
Nominal tensile strength 406 kN
20℃ DC resistance 0.264 ω /km
Short circuit current capacity (40~200℃) 530 kA2·s
Linear expansion coefficient 13.0×10-6/℃
Young's modulus is 162.0 kN/mm2

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