OFC 2021 will be held entirely online

The OFC in 2021 will be an interactive and fully virtual event, including exhibitions and technical exchange meetings, which will be broadcast live and on demand, the OFC organizing committee announced.The OFC has long been recognized as the center of the industry, representing the entire industry ecology of optical communications from research to marketing, and this year's conference will be held on June 6, 2021.

OFC attracts executives, technologists, academics, media and analysts from around the world, and the online format will allow a global audience to participate.""OFC's technical exchange sessions remain one of the most anticipated and will continue to explore the latest optical communications innovations in more than 120 sessions," said Ramon Casellas of CTTC Spain, the OFC's project chair.New topics for technical paper submissions include quantum communication and machine learning, and how optical technologies support machine learning and brain-like computing.In addition to photon integration, space division multiplexing (SDM) and 5G technologies, free space optical communication (FSO) technologies will be the focus of several presentations.

The OFC 2021 panel will focus on areas of industry growth:

  ·Emerging photonic technologies and the architecture of per-bit fiber networks;
  ·MEC based network architecture supports enterprise cloud computing;
  ·Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) in Optical Communication;
  ·The role of machine learning in optical systems and the role of optical technology in machine learning.

The special session will focus on the following issues:
  ·Lessons learned: Web 2020 status quo and next steps;
  ·Free space optical communication (FSO) has finally arrived;
  ·Vision talks: from 2021-2030.
In addition, OFC 2021 will enhance the virtual trade show experience, providing exhibitors with the greatest opportunity to tap customers, interact with peers and showcase innovative products and solutions.

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